How to get Ijen Crater , Tips Advice Ijen Crater Hike – Complete Guide

How to get Ijen Crater – A Guide Hiking Ijen Crater 

Mount Ijen or Ijen Crater is located on Banyuwangi area and Bondowoso City,  the easist way to Get Ijen  is Start From Bali and Continue to Banyuwangi , From Banyuwangi Ijen can reach with 1 Hour Driving with good road (not bumpy road) so Jeep Driving is not necessery . Even you drive motorcycle the road is good , but little bit need skill due the road is mountain way and you are in Jungle.

For Midnight Program Ijen Crater we advice depart from Banyuwangi by Midnight.  Arrive on Paltuding Parking area  you can prepare for stuff hiking , You will be  hiking 3km , Normally people take 2 Hours for Hiking , arrive at Rim by 03.30am.  Down to The crater takes 300 meters to close Blue Flames Phenomena , Blue Flames Ijen Crater is amazing phenomena in the world after alaska and only visible in the dark.  The best Visit ijen Crater is start from June – September with Less Rainy.

Beside Blue Flames Phenomena or Blue Fire Ijen Volcano you can see activities the miners, they produce of sulphur start midnight until afternoon by 11am (Ijen Crater activities will be closed by 11am) on Friday they will be off from work due the sulphur factory is closed.  Miners of Sulphur Ijen Crater can collected until 100kg everyday , 1kg about 1200 rupiahs. The sulphur factory is from china they use for cosmetic and medicine. Some companies they make sulphur to make sugar become white.


Tips and advice Ijen Crater Banyuwangi

 Some Tips and Advice Important before Hiking Ijen: 

– Ticket on Paltuding area (meeting point all traveller) normal day is : 100.000rupiahs (one hundred thousand rupiahs) from monday to friday, Weekend ticket is 150.000rupiahs (one hundred fifty thousand rupiahs).

– Bring Jacket , the temperature around 8 degrees celcius – 11degrees celcius 

– Bring light and gasmask for your safety to hiking and down to the crater to see blue fire.

– You can bring cigarette or some little snack/ candy for the workers/miners sulphur

– When going backdown to parking area-Paltuding area walk slowly sometimes the road slippery.

– The workers of sulphurs Miners Ijen start work from 01.00am until evening.

– Travellers from Bali must change the clock time, because java is 1 hour less from Bali time, to prepare and schedule your trip to Ijen Volcano.

– Visitor Must Have Health Certificate , Health Certificate can be made at Clinic Nearby at Banyuwangi City 


Tips and advice Ijen Crater Banyuwangi
How to Get Ijen Crater – Tips and Advice  Kawah Ijen Guide Hiking

Banyuwangi City Tour, Trip Banyuwangi


Banyuwangi City Tour – 1 Day Tour

Banyuwangi is famous with “Sunrise of Java”
when go to Bali always past this city.
the locals of Banyuwangi called “Oseng”
they live on Kemiren area.

The City have many destination tourism , its good way to visit the City during your Holiday on Banyuwangi. The Destination have Kawah Ijen , Jagir Waterfall, Boom Beach , Baluran National Park , De Djawatan Lord of The Rings, Red Island and Sukamade Turtle Beach 

Tour Schedule  City Tours :

09.00am :

picking you up at your Hotel

Interisting places to be visited:

– Centre of city , Big Mosque, local market Banyuwangi.

– Kampung Oseng in Kemiren Area to see activities of Locals of Banyuwangi 

blueflame banyuwangi city tour

13.30pm :

Arrive at Waterfall

Visit Kampoeng Anyar waterfall , Big and small natural Waterfall

– Go to Kalibendo Coffee Plantation and Clove Plantation

– Have Big Coffee Plantation , Arabica and Robusta
and See Chevat or Luwak Animal

– Taste Local snack Banyuwangi “Bakiak” and drink Coffee Banyuwangi
03.30pm :
Take you Back to Banyuwangi 

– Visit Marina Boom Beach , Enjoy Panorama Boom Beach with Background Bali Islands

18.00 Back to your Hotel on Banyuwangi area , Take a rest for another program like Visit Kawah Ijen in the Midnight 

End Tours 

Banyuwangi City Tour can be modified one Day Baluran National Park , De Djawatan Lord of the Rings – Red ISLANDS OR Alas Purwo National Park.

More Information About Banyuwangi City Tours you can contact us by Whatsapp or Email.


blueflame banyuwangi city tour
blueflame banyuwangi city tour


blueflame banyuwangi city tour



blueflame banyuwangi city tour

Banyuwangi City Tour , Paket Wisata Banyuwangi , Tour ke Ijen , Trip ke Ijen Banyuwangi dari Jakarta , Pantai Bedil Banyuwangi , Kawah Ijen Tour dari Banyuwangi


Work With Blueflame Tours , Ijen Tour

Work With Blueflame Tours , Ijen Tour


Work With Blueflame Tours , Ijen Tour

Work With Blueflame Tours , Ijen Tour.
Blueflame Tour is a young and Dynamic Private Day Tours Company, Thats operates in 5 Larger cities around east java.
we are always looking for innovative, enthusiastic, talented new members for our team.
With the indonesia Tourism Market growing every year 
Blueflame Tour provides opportunities for the right people to get involven in this exciting industry with a working environment thats is never boring and possibilities for international Travel and promotion. This is perfect place for those seeking a challenge.
Please Inform us and Email about Yours and Your Company, we will reply soon.
Thank you for your attention.


Team Blueflame Tour , Mount Bromo Ijen Tours Operator East JAVA

Team BlueFlame Tour – Mount Bromo Ijen Tours Operator East JAVA VOLCANO TOUR


Introduce Our Team – Team BlueFlame Tour – Agency Tour Operator East Java Volcano Tour 



You can call Jo or Tony , Born in Malang, East Java and have finished educated of Bachelor degree economic. Backpacker , Surfer , also IT Programmer. He is the Founder of Blueflame Tour in Banyuwangi East java. Dedicated to Help Traveller during Their Holiday on Indonesia.



Team BlueFlame Tour

 Mali is Your Safety Driver , Grew up on Mount Bromo Area .Energic Young Man , Spoken English very well , Based Tourism Degree. Photographer , Blogger and Graphic Designer. Know well about Java and Bali Tourism Destinations.



ijen bromo guide


Our Guide Assistance Bromo and Ijen Crater ,Friendly and Have passion Volcano Guiding. Denis as Javanese For many years, he’s led half-day local tours of his hometown, Banyuwangi, tour groups . A few summers back, have his first 14-day Denis been a grand success, and one of our most-loved guides ever since. Here’s Denis take on how it feels to go from leading Volcano and National Park of his city to tours of East Java Indonesia.



Team BlueFlame Tours



Lucky Our Guide  brings his high-energy brand of guiding to Bromo and Ijen Crater , Especially Java.  We first  know Lucky as a coach for our tours, energetic. Like all our guide, he enjoyed spending time with  our customers during the tour , finish well and super.  Today, Lucky flawlessly leads a Best of Java tours and Volcano Guiding .



BlueFlame Tour Team

Rafi is The Youngest Guide at Our Team . He loves to travel, experience different cultures, and see the gorgeous natural wonders that this Indonesia has to offer.
Being in nature is her #1 priority each day, she loves to hike, bike and explore new places with Lucky. He yearning for adventure and travel began at a young age. He ready be your friends and Guide to Explore East Java



team blueflame


Nino is Your Safety Driver , Fun and Charming , Spoken English. Know well about Java. Born in Surabaya East Java close Bromo area. He loves reading books on a comfy couch, cooking ,conversing over a hot drink and sharing the outdoors with others. Nino will be Ready Your Pilot at East JAVA.



Team BlueFlame Tour

Your Personal Guide City Tour and secretaries at our Office. Traveller, Blogger, also Indonesian Chef , Dedicated to Introduce Banyuwangi Cultur and Tourism Indonesia On the world.

Team BlueFlame Tours – Operator East Java Tour